CRUD using Python Nested Dictionary

Implementing CRUD using Python Nested Dictionary

What is a CRUD operation?

CRUD is an acronym that stands for Create, Read, Update, and Delete. It is a set of four basic operations that are typically used for managing data in a persistent storage system such as a database. The CRUD operations can be summarized as follows:

Create: This operation involves creating new data and storing it in a persistent storage system. It typically involves adding a new record or row to a database table, with the data provided by the user.

Read: This operation involves retrieving existing data from a persistent storage system. It typically involves querying a database table to retrieve one or more records or rows, based on some criteria such as a primary key or a search term.

Update: This operation involves modifying existing data in a persistent storage system. It typically involves updating one or more fields or columns of an existing record or row in a database table.

Delete: This operation involves removing existing data from a persistent storage system. It typically involves deleting one or more records or rows from a database table, based on some criteria such as a primary key or a search term.

Implementing CRUD using Python Dictionary

In this example, the dictionary dataDict is used to store key-value pairs. The createDict() function takes a key and value argument, and adds the key-value pair to the dictionary. The readDict() function takes a key argument and returns the corresponding value from the dictionary. The updateDict() function takes a key and value argument, and updates the value for the corresponding key in the dictionary. The deleteDict() function takes a key argument and removes the corresponding key-value pair from the dictionary.

# Initialize an empty dictionary
dataDict = {}

# Create operation
def createDict(key, value):
    dataDict[key] = value
    print(f"Added key: {key} with value: {value}")

# Read operation
def readDict(key):
    if key in data:
        return dataDict[key]
        print(f"Key: {key} not found")

# Update operation
def updateDict(key, value):
    if key in data:
        dataDict[key] = value
        print(f"Updated key: {key} with value: {value}")
        print(f"Key: {key} not found")

# Delete operation
def deleteDict(key):
    if key in data:
        del dataDict[key]
        print(f"Deleted key: {key}")
        print(f"Key: {key} not found")

# Example usage
createDict("name", "John")
updateDict("name", "Jane")

In case you want to explore a bit more interesting code where nested dictionary CRUD operation is used, have a look at below code:

# Consider the below CRUD queries
crudQueries = [
  ["INS_OR_UPD", "KEY1", "KEY2", "5"],
  ["INS_OR_UPD", "KEY1", "KEY2", "6"],
  ["INS_OR_UPD", "KEY3", "KEY2", "7"],
  ["SELECT", "KEY1", "KEY2"],
  ["SELECT", "KEY1", "KEY3"],
  ["DELETE", "KEY1", "KEY2"],
  ["DELETE", "KEY1", "KEY2"]

# Create a nested dictionary and Implement CRUD operation in Python
dataDict = {} # initialize a dictionary
outputList = [] # initialize a list

def myFunction():
    for query in crudQueries:
            tempDict = {query[2]:query[3]} # nested dictionary
            dataDict[query[1]] = tempDict
            value = dataDict.pop(query[1], None) # if key does not exist then also no error
    return outputList,dataDict
# Call the function
outputList,dataDict = myFunction()


CRUD operations are fundamental to most applications that involve data management and are a crucial part of software development. They allow users to create, read, update, and delete data, providing a way to manage data in a consistent and efficient manner.

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